Landlords: turn your tenant’s overdue payments into profits.
Claim your FREE back rent interest calculator
Use your back payment owed to create additional income through interest collection
Covid deprived you of an entire year, don’t let your tenants do the same.
Now that the moratoriums are ending, you can start to collect all that overdue back rent. Don’t let even more time pass before you get paid what you deserve.
Using our rent interest calculator, you can quickly and easily determine how much you are owed in late fees. Simply plug in the monthly rent, add your monthly interest rate. You will be able to see the raw data and calculations to enable you to work out a payment plan with your tenants.
This is not financial advice, it is a tool to help you calculate your rent math. Be sure to follow federal, state and local laws.
Late fee laws, by state
Here is a summary of the late fee laws in the 22 states and Washington, D.C. that have such laws, according to
- Arizona: Late fees must be in a written rental agreement and reasonable.
- California: Late fees will be enforced only if there is a late fee clause in a written rental agreement or lease.
- Connecticut: Landlords cannot charge a late fee until nine days after rent is due.
- Delaware: Landlords must keep a local office where tenants can go to pay rent if they want to start charging late fees. Otherwise, landlords must wait until three days after rent is due to charge late fees, and they cannot exceed 5% of rent.
- Washington, D.C.: A late fee policy must be in the lease. Late fees cannot exceed 5% of rent or begin until rent is five days late. Landlords cannot evict for nonpayment of late fees, but they can deduct those fees from the security deposit at move out.
- Georgia: There are no policies or restrictions regarding late fees, but all contracts for rent must bear interest from the time rent is due.
- Iowa: Late fees cannot exceed $12 a day or $60 a month for rent that is $700 a month or less. Late fees cannot exceed $20 per day or $100 per month for rent that is more than $700 a month.
- Maine: Late fees cannot exceed 4% of the amount due for 30 days. Landlords must notify tenants, in writing, of any late fees at the start of the tenancy, and late fees cannot be imposed until rent is 15 days late.
- Maryland: Late fees cannot exceed 5% of the rent.
- Massachusetts: Late fees and interest on late rent cannot be imposed until the rent is 30 days late.
- Minnesota: The late fee policy must be in writing and agreed to. It may not exceed 8% of the rent.
- Nevada: Courts will presume there is no late fee policy unless it is in a lease or written rental agreement, unless the landlord can provide evidence contrary to the presumption. Landlords may charge a reasonable late fee, but it cannot exceed 5% of the rent amount. The maximum amount of the late fee must not be increased based upon a late fee previously imposed.
- New Hampshire: Landlords cannot charge a greater amount in late fees than the rent amount.
- New Jersey: Landlords must wait five days before charging a late fee to senior citizens receiving Social Security Old Age Pensions, Railroad Retirement Pensions, or other governmental pensions in lieu of Social Security Old Age Pensions; or when rented by recipients of Social Security Disability Benefits, Supplemental Security Income, or benefits under Work First New Jersey.
- New Mexico: The late fee policy must be in the lease or rental agreement and cannot exceed 10% of the rent. Landlords must notify the tenant of the landlord’s intent to impose the charge no later than the last day of the next rental period immediately following the period in which the default occurred.
- New York: Landlords must wait five days before they can start charging late fees. Late fees cannot exceed $50 or 5% of the rent, whichever is less.
- North Carolina: Late fees when rent is due monthly cannot exceed $15 or 5% of the rent, whichever is greater. When rent is due weekly, late fees cannot exceed $4 or 5% of the rent, whichever is greater. Late fees may not be imposed until the rent is five days late. A late fee may be imposed only one time for each late rental payment. A late fee for a specific late rent payment may not be deducted from a subsequent rent payment so as to cause the subsequent rent payment to be in default.
- Oklahoma: Preset late fees are invalid. (Landlords are not allowed to charge late fees before they occur.)
- Oregon: Landlords must wait four days before imposing a late fee. The late fee policy must be in a rental agreement. A flat fee must be “reasonable.” A daily late fee cannot exceed 6% of a reasonable flat fee and cannot add up to more than 5% of the monthly rent.
- Tennessee: Landlords cannot charge a late fee until rent is five days late. The day rent is due is counted as the first day. If day five is a Sunday or legal holiday, the landlord cannot impose a fee if the rent is paid on the next business day. Late fees cannot exceed 10% of the amount past due.
- Texas: The late fee policy must be in the lease. It cannot be imposed until rent remains unpaid for two days after the due date. The fee must be reasonable. For properties with four or fewer units, late fees cannot exceed 12% of the rent. For properties with more than four units, late fees cannot exceed 10% of the rent. To charge more, late fees must be related to the late payment of rent, such as expenses, costs, and overhead associated with the collection of late payments. Landlords may charge an initial fee and a daily fee for each day the rent is late. The combined fees are considered a single late fee.
- Virginia: When there is no lease, a tenancy of 12 months is created by law, and reasonable late fees may be imposed when rent is five or more days late.
- Washington: Nonrefundable fees must be described in the lease or rental agreement. Otherwise, they will be considered to be deposits.
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